

A selection of organisations, projects and media outlets engaging with the conflict from a spatial perspecive.

Critical Speculation

Decolonizing Architecture
Bethlehem-based collective of architects and artists developing projects that aim to challenge and subvert the contours of spatial power in the conflict (see inteview).

FAST (Foundation for Achieving Seamless Territory)
Netherlands-based organisation engaging in projects designed to challenge the political and legislative structures of spatial segregation in Israel-Palestine.

CAMP (Center for Architecture Media and Politics)
Academic unit at Al-Quds University founded on the theoretical framework of Decolonizing Architecture.

In+formal Architecture
Architectural design unit at Bezalel Academy in West Jerusalem, investigating alternative approaches to urban space and planning.

Palestine Regeneration Project Forum
London-based initiative to engage architects in critical forms of practice relating to Palestine, supported by the University of Westminster.

Interventions on the Ground

Riwaq: Centre for Architectural Conservation
Ramallah-based NGO working to develop architectural heritage as vehicle for Palestinian economic and social development (see interview).

ICAHD (Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions)
Israeli NGO working to challenge the occupation through reconstruction of demolished Palestinian homes and international political advocacy (see interview).

Popular Struggle Coordination Committee
Palestinian committee coordinating popular resistance to Israeli occupation in the form of marches, strikes, demonstrations, direct actions and legal campaigns.

Free Gaza Movement
International activists working to break the siege on Gaza through civil resistance and direct action, and to establish a permanent sea lane with the rest of the world.

Arab Center for Alternative Planning
An NGO formed to defend the land rights of Palestinian Citizens of Israel, and to work with communities to plan for future development.

Bimkom: Planners for Planning Rights
Israeli NGO advocating for the respect of human rights in the field of spatial planning

Welfare Association
Palestinian development NGO dedicated to preserving Palestinian heritage and identity, and supporting their living culture and building civil society.

Israeli NGO engaging in projects to raise awareness of the Palestinian Nakba and of the centrality of the Palestinian refugee community to any stable future polity.

The International Peace and Cooperation Center
NGO supporting the development of a highly informed, competent and active Palestinian civil society which energizes urban participatory democracy.

Mapping Projects

Palestine Remembered
A network of information and perspectives (maps, photographs, demographic data, articles and oral histories) on pre-1948 Palestine and what remains today.

Map and Database of Land Expropriation
Interative map of Palestinian-owned land expropriated by Israel after 1948. Produced by Adalah.

Peace Now Map Project
Up to the minute data on Israeli settlements in the West Bank delivered direct to your smartphone or web browser.

Information & Advocacy

Architects and Planners for Justice in Palestine
UK-based network of architects and spatial planners engaging in advocacy for a just peace in Israel-Palestine.

Israeli NGO offering detailed information and reports on the occupation, and campaigning for human rights.

Adalah: Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel
Palestinian-Israeli NGO campaigning for the rights of Palestinian citizens of Israel, including taking cases of civic and planning rights to the courts.

ARIJ (Applied Research Center –  Jerusalem)
Bethlehem-based NGO engaged in mapping the geopolitical space of Israel-Palestine, and developing local capacity in the management of natural resource and agriculture.

CCDPRJ (Civic Coalition for Defending the Palestinians‘ Rights in Jerusalem)
Nongovernmental non-profit coalition mobilising efforts, capacities and resources to protect the political, civil, economic, social and cultural rights of Palestinians in Jerusalem.

PCHR (Palestinian Centre for Human Rights)
Gaza-based Palestinian NGO documenting human rights abuses and campaigning for a just and comprehensive peace.

Academic & Policy Research

PASSIA (Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs)
Jerusalem-based Palestinian NGO engaged in academic research and dialogue on the Palestinian question, producing and disseminating publications on a variety of issues.

Independent, non-partisan, and non-profit US-based Palestinian policy network whose mission is to educate and foster public debate on Palestinian human rights and self-determination within the framework of international law.

Institute for Palestine Studies
Beirut-based institute exclusively devoted to research, analysis, and publication on Palestinian affairs and the Arab-Israeli conflict. Publishers of Jerusalem Quarterly online journal.

Palestine Centre
Independent US-based think-tank committed to communicating reliable and objective information about the Palestinian political experience to American policy makers, journalists, students and the general public.

Mada al-Carmel
Research centre which generates and provides information, critical analysis, and diverse perspectives on the social and political life and history of Palestinians, with particular attention to Palestinians within Israel’s 1948 boundaries.

News & Comment

Ma’an News Agency
Independent Palestinian news agency, reporting and broadcasting from across the occupied Palestinian territories.

Alternative Information Center
Independent centre for news and information set up by grassroots Palestinian and Israeli activists to counter mainstream media narratives.

Electronic Intifada
Online news, analysis and opinion from a Palestinian perspective, covering both events on the ground and international activism.

+972 Magazine
Israeli blog-based web magazine whose goal is to provide fresh, original, on-the-ground analysis and reporting of events in Israel and the Palestinian territories.

News and opinion website devoted to covering American foreign policy in the Middle East, chiefly from a progressive Jewish perspective.

Collective of Israeli and international photographers maticulously documenting the abuses of the Israeli occupation, focusing in particular on home demolitions in East Jerusalem and the suppression of protests against the Wall in the West Bank.

Israeli Occupation Archive
A wide-ranging online resourse drawing together news, analysis, reports and data from key media commentators and advocacy organisations on the ground.

IMEU (Institute for Middle East Understanding)
Independent US-based non-profit organization that provides journalists with quick access to information about Palestine and the Palestinians, as well as expert sources, both in the United States and in the Middle East.

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