Società Italiana di Scienze Psicosociali per la Pace (Italian Society of Psycho-Social Sciences for Peace) has just published an online issue of its journal Pace, Conflitti e Violenza (Peace, Conflict and Violence) devoted to DAAR (Decolonizing Architecture | Art Residency).

This monograph bringings together a collection of articles, interviews and diaries from current and former DAAR participants in an attempt to offer a self-critical reflection on the genealogy of ideas and modes of working that have come to define the collective.
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Pace, Conflitti e Violenza, Anno VII, n. 11
Giornale della Società Italiana di Scienze Psicosociali per la Pace
Six articles in Italian, three articles in English
Edited by Diego Segatto, with contributions from Adriano Zamperini, Alessandro Petti, Sandi Hilal, Eyal Weizman, Ahmad Barclay, Lorenzo Pezzani, Brave New Alps, Nicola Perugini, Sara Pellegrini, Marialuisa Menegatto.
(Republished on with permission from the authors.)